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Joëlle Boutros
438-375-4714 ext 6006

Joëlle Boutros joined the Novum team in September 2020 as a paralegal.

She first began her legal career as an Assistant in 2013. Wanting to expand her legal knowledge, she decided to continue her studies and graduated as a paralegal in 2018.

Dynamic, trilingual and with unparalleled customer service, she is proud to be the first contact for all legal consultation requests made by clients.

She also supports the team of lawyers regarding all legal research.

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Alice Alex Dufour
Administration and Accounting Coordinator - Legal Assistant
438-375-4714 ext 6001

Alice Alex Dufour has more than 10 years of experience as an administrative/legal assistant and joined the Novum team in the fall of 2019 as an administration and accounting coordinator/legal and management assistant. Anticipation, efficiency, dedication, discretion and professionalism are his watchwords at work.

She works closely with the management team to ensure fluidity between the Novum teams and takes care of the administration/accounting aspect. She is also responsible for managing supplier accounts and therefore provides direct links with them in addition to taking care of customer invoicing.

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Julie Guillot
Legal Assistant of Me Lalaurie, Me Pelletier, Me Amina Kebli
438-375-4714 ext 6013

Julie Guillot joined the Novum team in the fall of 2021 as a Legal Assistant.

Julie chose Novum Legal to gain experience in the legal field and is proud to be part of such a dedicated and professional team.

Dynamic, she assists the lawyers in their daily tasks, while helping the paralegal with legal consultation requests.

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Me Laetitia Lalaurie
Lawyer - works with Julie Guillot
438 375 4714 ext 6011

Laetitia holds a law degree from the University of Montreal. She worked as an assistant/paralegal in different firms and then acted as a law student in one of them. These experiences have allowed her to touch several facets of the attorney profession as well as to strengthen her analysis, writing and legal research capacities. Laetitia is passionate about human rights and holds a certificate in international humanitarian law from the University of Louvain. This field of interest has also led her to act as coordinator of a research project in comparative law relating to the situation of Lebanese women in the face of religious and civil divorce, since 2018. Thanks to this experience, Laetitia was able to develop her sense of collaboration and organization.

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Me Marianne Routhier-Caron
Lawyer, Director of Legal Services
438-375-4714 ext 6003

Me Marianne Routhier-Caron holds a bachelor’s degree in law and will soon complete a master in labour law at the Université du Québec à Montréal. She has been a member of the Quebec Bar since 2014. Before joining the team at Novum, Me Routhier-Caron practised in firms that worked in the areas of collective and individual labour relations as well as occupational health and safety. She has been called upon to litigate on numerous occasions before administrative tribunals and also before superior courts including the Quebec Court of Appeal. In addition, Routhier-Caron has built a practice in university administrative law. She is interested in representing individuals and vulnerable groups and currently sits as administrator on the board of directors for the Réseau d’entraide de Verdun.

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Me Giuseppe Sciortino
438-375-4714 ext 0

As a member of the Quebec Bar since 1975, Mr. Sciortino is fluent in several languages. He began his practice with Mr. Bernard Mergler, recognized as one of the top civil rights attorneys.

Prior to mastering labour law, Mr. Sciortino practiced penal and immigration law, representing refugees from countries across the Americas, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, while devoting his time to union and student association certifications, negotiations, arbitrations, and claims at the Canada Industrial Relations Board and the Administrative Labour Tribunal.

He is experienced in administrative law, judicial review, injunctions, and contempt to court, as well as damage claims concerning unionized, social, political, and cultural associations. Throughout his career, he has pleaded in front of almost every Quebec and Federal Tribunals.

In labour law, Mr. Sciortino has solid experience in the industrial, public, and communications sectors.

He has represented young Vietnamese students who arrived in Canada during the war and were later considered to be agents of a foreign power, as well as Salvadorian journalist Victor Regalado, presumed by the Canadian government of being a threat to the security of the state and the Canadian public. The latter case was pleaded in front of both the Supreme Court of Canada and the Civil and Political Rights Committee of the United Nations.

Mr. Sciortino also represented political prisoners during the Pinochet dictatorship, travelling to Chile on several occasions from 1975–85.

More recently, he served as one of the principal attorneys representing student associations during the general strike in 2012.  During that time, he represented Mr. Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, originally found guilty of contempt of court by the Quebec  Superior Court, but acquitted by the Quebec Court of Appeal and finally by the Supreme Court of Canada in 2017.

Mr. Sciortino is a keen observer of the daily news and current events, having had articles pertaining to judicial, social, and political issues published in several of Quebec’s major newspapers.

Today, bringing his vast experience from the well-established legal firm originally founded by him in 1975, Mr. Sciortino has accepted a new challenge in becoming a part of a new legal firm, NOVUM LEGAL, composed of young, dynamic lawyers.

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François Sciortino
Senior Business Development Advisor
438-375-4714 ext 6008

François has progressed in the Ecomm industry over the past 7 years, specializing in strategic operations scalability and deployment of customer centric initiatives. Prior to joining Novum, François built and led several teams at the Montreal based company Altitude Sports where his communication and leadership skills flourished.

His ability to generate synergy between the different components of a business and his experience in the constant deployment of value will be key in growing Novum footprint.

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Me Yves Tanguay
Lawyer - works with Polyxeni Michelakis
438-375-4714 ext 6005

With a Bachelor’s degree (2007) and a Master’s degree (2010) in law from l’Université Laval, Yves Tanguay pursued doctoral studies in constitutional law for eight years at l’Université Laval and at l’Université Paris-2 Panthéon-Assas. From 2013 to 2017, he taught constitutional law at the Faculty of Law of l’Université Laval.

Me Tanguay is also author of different publications, notably for JurisClasseur Québec, l’Association québécoise de droit constitutionnel, the UBC Law Review, les Presses de l’Université Laval and the McGill-Queen’s University Press.

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Alyssa Tavares
Paralegal Intern
438-375-4714 ext 6012

Alyssa Tavares joined the Novum team in January 2022 as a Paralegal intern. She is in the process of finishing her legal technique at Ahuntsic College.

She worked for 4 years in the field of customer service, which makes her very comfortable making the first contact with customers when they need a consultation for legal advice.

She is also responsible for conducting legal research and drafting procedures.

Alyssa is trilingual, dynamic, and is always ready to lend a hand to her co-workers.

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Polyxeni Michelakis
Legal Assistant of Me Tulba, Me Tanguay
438 375 4714 ext 6004

Polyxeni Michelakis joined the Novum team in January 2023 as a legal assistant. 

Having worked for more than 10 years in the hotel and restaurant industry, customer service has always been essential for Polyxeni, which makes her comfortable making the first contact with clients and is always helpful in assisting the lawyers in their daily tasks. 

Polyxeni is trilingual, dynamic, and always ready to lend a hand to her colleagues. 

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Me Maryse Larocque
Lawyer - works with Polyxeni Michelakis
438 375 4714 ext 6009

Me Maryse Larocque is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of the University of Montreal where she completed a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) as well as the Juris Doctor (J.D.) and the Master’s degree in North American Common Law (L.L.M.). She was called to the Quebec Bar in 2014.


Before joining Novum, Me Larocque practised civil and family law and is also a certified family mediator.


Passionate about the human aspect of the practice of law, Me Larocque is involved in the community. She volunteered for the Women’s Centre of Montreal’s legal information clinic for a few years and is now a member of the board of directors of the organization SOS violence conjugale. Me Larocque is also involved with Justice Pro Bono and has participated in a legal information clinic in Quebec’s Far North.

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Me Amina Kebli
Lawyer - works with Julie Guillot
438 375 4714 ext 6016

Before joining the Quebec Bar as a lawyer, Me Kebli completed her university degree at Université de Montréal during which she had the opportunity to explore public and comparative international law as an exchange student in France at Université de Strasbourg. In addition, her commitment to the community bears witness to the altruism that drives her on a daily basis, and which is reflected in the various jobs she has held in the real estate, aviation and healthcare fields. Thanks to her ability to communicate easily and as a certified mediator, Me Kebli will identify your needs and defend your cause with professionalism and integrity. 

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Luc Dumont
438-375-4714 ext 6002

Luc joined the Novum team in October 2023 as a paralegal.

He holds a law degree and completed his studies at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law in 1993.

During his thirty years in the legal field, Luc has developed skills in general civil law, consumer law, labour law as well as commercial and corporate law.

He assists the team of lawyers in the analysis, research and drafting.

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Bérangère Desfonds
Lawyer works with Alice Alex Dufour
438 375 4714 ext 6017

Me Desfonds holds a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) and a Juris Doctor (J.D.). She articled and began her career with legal aid in the fields of administrative law and housing law, where she represented clients before various civil and administrative tribunals.


Me Desfonds also worked as a lawyer in a community organization setting, where she participated in the development of various projects aimed at defending the interests of the most vulnerable and ensuring access to justice for all.


A member of the Bar since January 2022, Me Desfonds joined the Novum team in November 2023.


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Chaimaa Basri
Growth Partnership Coordinator
438 375 4714 ext 6015

With a Master’s degree in Marketing, and in-depth knowledge in market research and customer experience, I am passionate about investing in the fields of marketing and communication.

As a Growth Partnership Coordinator, I address the needs of our clients, ensuring their satisfaction and contributing to the continuous improvement of our services.

Fluent in three languages and endowed with excellent oral and written communication skills, I have a strong sense of initiative and the ability to work effectively in a dynamic environment.

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Me Tali V. Borges
438 375 4714 ext

Tali V. Borges is a seasoned lawyer with over 13 years of experience in the private and government sectors. She holds a bachelor’s degree in civil law and a master’s degree from the University of Sao Paulo. She also holds an Executive LL.M. from the University of Toronto. Tali is a member of both the Law Society of Ontario and the Brazilian Bar.

Tali previously practiced in a litigation and workplace investigation boutique law firm in Toronto. She provided legal advice and risk management in several areas of law, including privacy, workplace policies and insurance matters. Prior to moving to Canada, Tali served a constitutional mandate to ensure access to justice as a Government Lawyer, in Brazil. She represented clients in court and conducted human rights investigations, including forced disappearance and child related matters. She was a legislative clerk prior to that role. Tali is fluent in many languages and is passionate about access to justice.

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Me. Arianne Comeau
438 375 4714 ext 6007

Me Arianne Comeau est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en droit de l’Université de Montréal et poursuit actuellement ses études en administration à HEC Montréal. Son parcours lui permet de développer une approche multidisciplinaire, offrant ainsi une perspective globale à ses clients. Son approche humaine, teintée par son écoute attentive et son sentiment de compassion, lui permet de comprendre et de répondre efficacement aux besoins juridiques de ses clients. Elle s’engage à fournir des solutions efficaces et personnalisées à ses clients à travers chaque étape du processus judiciaire.

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Reem Chansedine
438 375 4714 ext 6014

Reem Chansedine a rejoint l’équipe Novum au printemps 2024 en tant que parajuriste agréée représentant les clients de l’Ontario.

Reem a terminé ses études et obtenu sa licence en 2017 et est en règle auprès du Barreau de l’Ontario depuis. Elle possède plusieurs années d’expérience dans les domaines du droit des locateurs et des locataires, des questions de tribunaux administratifs, de l’immigration, de l’assistance sociale et de certains aspects du droit civil.

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Me Félix-Antoine Michaud
438 375 4714 ext

aw from Laval University. He has been a member of the Quebec Bar since 2008 and is one of the founding partners of the firm. Me Michaud is interested in various areas of labor law, including collective and individual labor relations, the protection of fundamental rights, and has developed a practice in association law.

Before joining the firm as president, he was notably a professor of labor law at Collège Mérici in Quebec City, and then a lawyer for FECQ, FEUQ, and TACEQ during the student protests in the spring of 2012. Subsequently, he worked at the French National Assembly in Paris, with Deputy Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State for Digital Affairs.

Me Michaud has extensive experience as a litigator, having had the opportunity to plead before administrative tribunals and higher courts, including the Quebec Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. Me Michaud also has a particular interest in Indigenous law and constitutional law.

Finally, in addition to having several publications to his credit, notably in the Revue des juristes de l’État, the Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, and the Revue québécoise de droit constitutionnel, Me Michaud has been involved in various organizations, including the Franco-Quebec Political Action Committee.

Partner firms

Novum is pleased to be able to count on the expertise of:


Trivium Avocats Inc. is a multidisciplinary law firm consisting of 32 lawyers across four business locations in Rosemère, Saint-Jérôme, Laval, and Brossard. The firm represents and advises many SMEs and large companies, unions, municipalities, and individuals in various fields, all thanks to their lawyers’ diverse range of skills.


Ravenlaw is a multidisciplinary firm consisting of 17 lawyers based in Ottawa and Kingston, Ontario. The firm represents workers, nonprofits, and unions.